Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hair Color Dark Brown With Purple Highlights

Fiat... il piano A, il piano B.

Ieri il grande discorso per la presentazione del prossimo piano industriale di Marchionne per la Fiat del futuro mi ha fatto pensare di vivere in un mondo dove ormai si può dire tutto e il contrario di tutto ricevendo applausi e strette di mano senza paura di un minimo contraddittorio.

O meglio, si può dire tutto, tralasciando, però, piccoli particolari che fanno the difference between an almost total consensus and a "Bravin but you could do better"

Marchionne has talked about new models, restyling, 6 million cars produced in 2014, spin-off of the auto industry from the rest of the group to make it more independent and free to develop. All good things ... But then came the first messaggino unions:

"We must accept the plan, because it is already prepared a plan B which is not very nice. It is not a threat to the unions'

All we can say a sentence of kind except that it is not a threat, but if it says in a press conference and it has a great media support, can not seem to be under that a threat is usually done in private and not in front of microphones.
But the substance does not change ...

Come then to small detail left out by Fiat AD, that among the various "there will be no cut, but rather increase the workforce" and "It's not a plan of sacrifices, I speak of commitment" is forgot to mention that the fantastic Plan A provides for the closure of the Termini Imerese .

A Mirafiori production will be increased by about 100 thousand cars in Melfi and Pomigliano of 400 000 of 250 000, while in Cassino volumes will almost quadrupled. 's where the work will eventually robbed Terms Imerese. But if there was all this room for an ambitious plan that was just Termini Imerese to ruin the prospects of industrial accounting Lingotto? I do not understand ....

say that there will be no cuts may be true but also "slightly" misguided. The fact is that if you have a million employees working in the south, then close factories and reopen them in the north with a million and a half of employees as assets, have increased employment by 50% nationally, but in the south starve to death within 2 months! A gross example but not much different from what happens in Termini Imerese to the closure of Fiat and its spin-offs throughout the armature. And the unions

must be dumb! Because otherwise there is a Plan B. ... but it is not a threat!

As always, tell the truth and get some applause at least is less popular choice for those who find themselves in front of a microphone. Much better than a watered-down reality that allows to make a good impression in the face of those who lose their jobs within a year.


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