at Christmas' Christmas Market
the Parco della Musica again turn into a glittering Christmas village ...
from 06/12/2008 to 06/01/2009
Auditorium Parco della Musica
Auditorium Christmas is celebrated for a whole month with a carousel of performances, music , gastronomia, marionette, laboratori di musica e cucina, dolci e sorprese.
Dal 6 dicembre il Parco della Musica torna a illuminarsi come un animato villaggio natalizio. Anche quest’anno, e ancora più del solito, la Fondazione Musica per Roma ha pensato a una programmazione natalizia originale e dedicata a tutta la famiglia.
La cavea accoglierà, a grande richiesta, Sottozero il parco del ghiaccio, la tradizionale pista di pattinaggio dove grandi e piccini scivoleranno sulle lame con un allegro sottofondo musicale. La struttura sarà agibile fino all’8 febbraio.
Nell’area pedonale, tra la casetta di Babbo Natale, gli abeti, i giochi per bambini, una autentica, coloratissima giostra d’epoca con cavallini galloping, the Christmas cakes, music and entertainment for everyone. Caravanserai near the play area, show-quality market where you can purchase them unusual and sought after.
From 6 to 8, a large marquee will host "The Gameland" Console World Championship 2008, the largest tournament ever for video game console number of participants, with a prize pool of about 80,000 €.
an exceptionally high level of scheduled performances in halls this year's Christmas Auditorium.
premiered on Christmas Day (repeated 26 and 27) The Music for Rome Foundation will present a new production: Canto Christmas, one of the most famous and popular works of Charles Dickens, adapted and directed by Claudio Longhi and entrusted to the masterful interpretative skills Massimo Popolizio.
After the success of last year again at the Parco della Musica, where the project Among Puppets and cunt. Chivalric epic Greek singers, the great storyteller, puppeteer and cuntista Sicilian Mimmo Cuticchio which will stage its historical characters, puppets and marionettes. In the program, 26 to 29 December, a series of shows on the adventures of Orlando and Rinaldo for children: The Children of Orlando, Orlando wins Durlindana weapons and sword, the great duel between Orlando and Rinaldo for the love of the beautiful Angelica, the route of Roncesvalles. 30, Petrassi room for the boys will be staged the play The Rediscovery of Troy.
The master puppeteer and his company will provide their expertise to the smaller theater workshop involving them in the "Puppets of paper."
Erri De Luca will be the protagonist instead of proven performance in the name of his mother, stage adaptation of his latest novel, In the name of his mother, scheduled for 10 and 11 December in the Hall Petrassi. Two special projects that will see the orchestra of the Fondazione Musica per Roma perform in a completely new version with some special guests. The first PMJO accompany Irene Grandi, with a special musical project dedicated to Christmas songs, and then Dee Dee Bridgewater with the most famous jazz standards of the twentieth century and his most famous songs taken from the wonderful album that has given us in recent years. From 3 to 6 January
The Chiarastella, original work by Ambrogio Sparagna propose the most popular Christmas songs of the Italian tradition developed for the Italian People's Orchestra. Among the guests: Ron Peppe Servillo and Javier Girotto. The repertoire will focus on traditional songs of northern Italy with particular attention to areas of the beyond the North East and Adriatic (Istria and Dalmatia), and unknown rich repertoire linked to the ancient traditions of Venetian popular song. By popular demand, the same days, there will also be 4 workshops Musical Chiarastella: the course of launeddas by Orlando males, tambourine by Valentina Ferraiuolo, while Marco Tomassi teach you to play the bagpipes and reeds build. Families will be finally addressed the laboratory of choral singing by Anna Colajanni that will allow the singers selected to attend the concert on January 6 in the Sala Sinopoli. From 6 to 8 December
another appointment for children: Giovanni Bietti and Open Trios involves them and enjoy them leading them to the fabulous world of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale with a musical about Hansel and Gretel. The show will be preceded by laboratory Cabin bread, edited by Carmelo Chiaramonte, one of the most renowned Italian chefs.
Christmas Music and boys is the project that will feature the choirs of the Choir of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia and the young musicians and chamber groups JuniOrchestra JuniOrchestra. During the end of year festivities, there will be major international concerts such as Noa (December 7), Dianne Reeves (9 December), and Kill Hannah with Fabrizio Bosso (January 3). As per tradition, finally, the great dome of the auditorium will host the Festival Gospel with the world's best performers Gospel & Spiritual, and the Rome Symphony Orchestra conducted by Karl Martin will present the Viennese Gala, four special evenings with most famous songs of the great Viennese symphonic tradition. On days 29 and 30 is expected to contribute Ennio Morricone who will play his composition "Canone inverso.
for the full program
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