Brignano reflects aloud, gives body to the memories of family but of an extended family, which dates back to his grandfather in his grandfather, his grandfather comes up to Romulus, first king of Rome.
But out of the nest of family affection, even the most distant in time, there is something for everyone without exception: time budgets, reflections and hopes for the future, inspiration sometimes surreal and always polite never vulgar, with a show that has as its only major claim, that of making a night of fun.
In his hilarious monologues, Brignano ridiculed the vices and virtues of people today, dalle paure alle manie che ciascuno serba in cuore: un viaggio tra le piccole e grandi nevrosi degli italiani. Ma in questo viaggio fortunatamente viene in soccorso, anzi in ''Pronto soccorso'' la risata come un sorso d’acqua fresca, capace di mandar giù e per un attimo far dimenticare qualsiasi boccone amaro. Una pausa di serenita’, una pausa di buonumore.
Prezzi: parterre 46 €, gradinata bassa 40 €, gradinata alta 30 €
Prevendite biglietti presso la biglietteria del teatro EuropAuditorium in Piazza Costituzione 4 a Bologna (apertura dal lunedì al venerdì ore 15-19), presso il Circuito VIVATICKET-CHARTA, i punti d’ascolto delle IperCoop e il Circuito TICKETONE, in addition to the usual addresses of Bologna and credit card
Price: parterre € 46, € 40 lower tier, tiers high
€ 30 Advance tickets at the box office in Piazza Costituzione 4 EuropAuditorium Bologna (open from Monday to Friday 15-19), at the Circuit Vivaticket-chart, the points of the circuit and listen IperCoop TICKETONE , in addition to the usual addresses of Bologna and credit card www.teatroeuropa. it
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