So 'a story that seems dated now, but that's why I want to present it again: why people forget in a hurry, and the avalanche of news that we are subject covers quickly the events of days before.
Here is the full text of the letter to the Director Maria Luisa Busi TG1 Rai Mauro Masi, and for information to the Committee and the Director General of RAI.
"Dear Editor - Busi writes - I ask you to be raised by the task of conducting the 20th edition of Tg1, having determined that a situation does not allow me to perform this task without injury to my professional beliefs. This is for me a difficult choice, but forced. I consider the editorial that you wanted to give the paper a sort of a diversion, because of which the TG1 is likely to crash into a permanent loss of credibility with viewers. "
"Come ha detto il presidente della Commissione di Vigilanza Rai Sergio Zavoli: 'la piu'grande testata italiana, rinunciando alla sua tradizionale struttura ha visto trasformare insieme con la sua identità, parte dell'ascolto tradizionale".
" Amo questo giornale, dove lavoro da 21 anni . Perché è un grande giornale. E' stato il giornale di Vespa, Frajese, Longhi, Morrione, Fava, Giuntella. Il giornale delle culture diverse, delle idee diverse. Le conteneva tutte, era questa la sua ricchezza. Era il loro giornale, il nostro giornale. Anche dei colleghi che hai rimosso dai loro incarichi e di molti altri qui dentro che sono stati emarginati. Questo è il giornale che ha sempre parlato a tutto il Paese. Il Journal of the Italians. The newspaper that gave voice to all the entries. It has never been a single voice of the newspaper. Today information TG1 information is partial and biased. Where is the real country? Where are the women in real life? Those who have to wait months for a mammogram, if they can not pay for it? Those with the worst wages in Europe, those who are struggling every day to keep going because there is no nursery place for all our children? Must be to raise the blood and die for the honor of one of our title. And where are the women and men who have lost their jobs? A million people, behind which are their families. Where are the young, for first time with a worse future of the fathers? And forty still precarious, 800 euro per month, which can not even buy a couch, let alone giving birth to a child? And where are the cassintegrati Alitalia ? What happened? And the hundreds of companies that close and entrepreneurs in the north east and take their own lives because they failed? Where is Italy that we have a duty to tell? That Italy exists. But the TG1 has dropped. Also I buy toilet paper for my daughter who attends first grade in a public school. But that evening, the TG1 of 20, we give space only to ministers and Gelmini Brunetta presenting the new great project for the digitization the school, including a digital whiteboard.
" Italy experiencing a dramatic social crisis is over in the siding of our indifference. Squeezed between information of a party - an editorial on justice, one against the repentant Mafia, another on the investigation of Trani in which you said not to be investigated, denied by the facts the next day - and infotainment everyday from How many times must wash their hands every day, hunting the crocodile in the lake, the antiscippo underpants. An editorial choice with which we are enriching the scripts of the programs of satire and impoverishing our reputation as the first newspaper of the public service company of the most important cultural of the country. In addition to citizens, they are paying for so many good colleagues who could devote more satisfaction to many other high-profile investigations and general interest. "
" A journalist has a unique tool to defend their professional beliefs: remove the piece his signature. A conductor, a conductor, it can only raise his face, at this point. As I was in fact the conductor of the viewers that the news is reconnected. And 'he who plays primarily the role of ensuring that there is a relationship of trust with viewers. "
" The facts are the Eagle was the proof. When hundreds of people have railed against the crew that drove the cry of shame and scodinzolini, I realized that that relationship of trust that has always connected with our audience was really compromised. That 's what happens when communication is privileged information, to verify the propaganda. "
" I did honesty and loyalty to the style of my life and my profession. Dissent is not betray. do not remember who said recently. Therefore:
1) I reject the accusation that he had committed misconduct. The criticisms that I have expressed publicly - remember that it is my right as well as a duty being a counselor in the FNSI - I had already moved well in the meetings of Contents, and you, personally. In the spirit of fair collaboration, thinking that in a job like ours, the movement of ideas and diversity of opinion constitute an enrichment. This is why I continued to conduct in recent months. But it is clear that there's not much space for the democratic process to TG1. are the times of the single thought. Who is out there is, sooner or later.
2) reject the accusation that I was moving to biting the hand that feeds. I remember that the dish is that of a simple left, which simply asks that the dish contains the right ingredients. All honest. And I want to clarify that you have always refused compensation out of the Rai, lavishly offered by large companies for the faces called to present their conventions, believing that a reporter from the public service should not profit from their role.
3) reject as insulting statements in your letter after the interview with Republic, letter in which you called the company a disciplinary action against me: I've been accused of "damaging the newspaper I work for, with the My statements on the data of listening. The figures released have confirmed those statements. I also find it ironic your consideration the following: 'give the TG1' account of the views of minorities, but not shocked the facts in deference to ideological campaigns.
I can tell you that the only country in which I work is where I spend the weekend with the family. I hope you can say the same. Conversely I have noticed that has not raised a word against your violent smear campaign that the newspaper Il Giornale, Libero and the weekly Panorama - even using improperly business mail me direct - have lined up against me after my criticism of your line editorial. An attack on clock: immediately discredit those who disagree to weaken the value of its claims. I have been called 'shear ciacolante - talkative girl - reporter without news, without editorial columnist' and so on. It is not what I said the President Ciampi handing the Prix Saint Vincent journalism, at the Quirinale. To answer these cowards my office. But know that is not why I leave the conduct of 20. Thomas Bernhard in Old Masters writes dozens of times a word that I love very much: respect. Do not live with admiration, he says, but of respect that we need. "
" Dear Editor, believe we need more respect. For news, the public, for the truth. What I feel for the history of TG1, for my company, leads me to this decision. Respect for viewers, our single point of contact. We should always remember. You, too, you would have the duty ".
Source: Ansa
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