Wednesday, May 19, 2010

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Trout enough ... The supply of fish increases

Debutta a Venezia al fianco del padre il terzogenito del Senatùr. Finora sembrava più interessato all’agricoltura che alle istituzioni. Ma adesso pare che abbia cambiato idea.

Venti anni, un secondo nome inequivocabile e nessun soprannome imbarazzante come Trota o Delfino : Roberto Libertà Bossi , il terzogenito del Senatùr e il secondo figlio maschio avuto dall’attuale compagna Manuela (l’altro è Eridano Sirio ), ha ufficialmente debuttato ieri nello staff del padre in occasione dell’incontro a Palazzo Balbi , sede della Regione Veneto , a Venezia dal neogovernatore Luca Zaia .

BOSSI DYNASTY – Ieri quindi è arrivato il debutto ufficiale, informa il Corrierone , a fianco del capogruppo Federico Bricolo che gli sistemava la cravatta mentre l’entourage del Senatùr entrava nel palazzone del potere. E lui dietro, in perfetto stile bossiano, giacca e cravatta e attenzione ai particolari nelle occasioni ufficiali. Umberto ci aveva perso la speranza, su Roberto: “ Quello che ama di più è l’agricoltura “, diceva di lui qualche tempo fa Bossi padre, che sembrava dispiaciuto. But luckily the example of Renzo must have stimulated, and today Roberto Freedom is also ready to take his slice of popularity and its role in the politics of Carroccio . Pending that Eridanus reaches the age of reason.


Another minnow, then, is released into the sea of \u200b\u200bpolitics, a vocation in the family is obviously very high ... as it were suspicious.
E 'reasoning in general, not on the Bossi family in particular, but this tendency to inheritance of the attitude to take the reins of policy is the genesis of many of the problems Italian.

Access to youth policy, and also the danger no longer young, is a significant problem, perhaps unsolvable, just because those who can broaden access to public management is the one who runs it. There is hope on the horizon if you intravedesse a healthy political movement propose resolutions that series, not sterile palliatives like taking the piss of 5% reduction for the salaries of parliamentarians.

that look the average of the salaries of MEPs, a calculation is easy to do, and decurtino therefore, more than 5 %.... it would be about 60%. Obviously for pensions, for which we are second to none, in short you do not miss anything.

banning dual careers, which happens only in Italy and maybe in another 3 or 4 countries in the world. How can someone be a Senator or Member, and then at the same time university professor, lawyer, accountant or lawyer? I wonder why, then, between the double work of the MEPs do not appear ever carpenters, carpenters or mechanics.

governing the tax liability with a little 'equity. How does a freelancer to accept a tax on their revenue nearly 50% and then see laundering, and tax-free foreign prisoners to return to Italy with a shameful 5% fine thanks to the tax shelter? With what face will tell his son to be proud to live in a country fair and democratic?

diseguagliaze The macroscopic jump in the eyes, a myriad of other smaller iniquity maybe we will escape from under the nose, but what still needs to Italian to finally be enlightened? To be conscious of the toads which must swallow every day and take at least the minimum necessary change in their outlook on society?

actions arise from a healthy mind and healthy we Italians are still at the starting blocks to start building a social conscience worthy of the name.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

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League Letter of an Albanian girl in Berlusconi

Last February, our beloved Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi visited Sali Ram Berisha, current Prime Minister of Albania in Tirana.

During the meeting, Berlusconi called for the classic turn of the screw to limit the activities of smugglers who are shuttling between Albania and Italy, but then Care is hardly able to restrain himself and, as irreducible cabarrettista of bad taste which is if they came out with the joke "We exceptions only for those who bring beautiful girls." The Albanian writer

Merid Elvira Dones wrote an open letter to Prime Minister Berlusconi on an Albanian newspaper to let him know that sometimes, some jokes it is better to keep them between his teeth.

him, perhaps, the letter did not read it, but we should, if only to contextualize the output unhappy with what is real life of many Albanian girls.

Here is the text of the letter:

Dear Mr. Prime Minister, I write a newspaper that she does not read, yet a few words I have it to him, because Friday's casual sense of humor has touched people very dear to me: "the beautiful Albanian girls." While the Prime Minister of my country of origin, Sali Berisha, confirmed the commitment of his government in the fight against smugglers, she pointed out that "for those who bring beautiful girls we can make an exception."

Io quelle "belle ragazze" le ho incontrate, ne ho incontrate a decine, di notte e di giorno, di nascosto dai loro magnaccia, le ho seguite da Garbagnate Milanese fino in Sicilia.

Mi hanno raccontato sprazzi delle loro vite violate, strozzate, devastate. A "Stella" i suoi padroni avevano inciso sullo stomaco una parola: puttana. Era una bella ragazza con un difetto: rapita in Albania e trasportata in Italia, si rifiutava di andare sul marciapiede. Dopo un mese di stupri collettivi ad opera di magnaccia albanesi e soci italiani, le toccò piegarsi. Conobbe i marciapiedi del Piemonte, del Lazio, della Liguria, e chissà quanti altri. E' solo allora - tre anni più tardi - che le incisero la sua professione sulla belly. So, for fun or for fun.

At the time it was a beautiful girl, yes. Today is just a waste of society, not fall in love never, never become a mother and grandmother. That "bitch" on the belly has erased any glimmer of hope and confidence in man, the slaughter of the customers and pimps destroyed the uterus.

On "Beautiful Girls" I wrote a novel, published in Italy under the title Sun burned. Years later turned a documentary for Swiss TV. I went looking for another pretty girl named Brunilda, his father had asked me in tears to investigate her. He was a father like many other fathers Albanians with whom their daughters were missing, abducted, mutilated, hung upside down in a disused butchers if they dared to rebel. He was a father like you, Mr President, just less lucky. And still the father of Brunilda not accept that her daughter is dead forever, drowned in the sea or executed somewhere in the suburbs. He still hopes, dreams of a miracle.

It 's a long story, President ... but if I knew I could count on his attention, we will send you a copy of my book, or send the documentary, or I would gladly talk to her. But the warning, Mr. President, I say to the beats, not swallow.

In the name of every star, Bianca, Brunilda and their families, these few lines I had them to him. In these twenty years of difficult transition Albania has run the much suffering and many wounds inflicted with his own hands, but the Albanian people is also increasing the desire to finally walk back straight and head held high. The

Albania has no patience or sympathy for the humiliation free. I think if she would stop to consider the human drama as material for jokes by late night bar, would not that stand to gain.

This "joke" seems to be understated in these past days when the controversy raging Bertolaso, but binds deeply at the thought and actions of people like Berlusconi and Company, thoughts and actions in which the respect for women is put under your feet every day, actions that are no less criminal than those who exploiting the Albanian girls are just disguised gallant gestures or expensive gifts. I am deeply ashamed and I apologize to all the Albanian women.

Merid Elvira Dones

Friday, May 14, 2010

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Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico: Vendola try to clean it

Nichi Vendola wrote to U.S. President Obama to bring an experimental machine that would be able to separate without difficulties the oil from the water. The machine is called

Oilsep Cc Ecology and is manufactured by Fluid Sanseverino. The system was born of a variation made to a machine used by the industrial machinery and filter maintenance. The machine, as explained by Ansa Sanseverino, manages to make a clear separation between the water and pollutants that float all the fluids, catching water, and allowing the industry a significant savings in the production process.
The machine has been tested by Bosch, while Sanseverino has recently opened an office in Oman, expanding its network of contacts with the oil industry.

Below the image of a prototype

Here is the text of the letter of the letter sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italian Embassy and the Embassy in Washington Use in Italy.

The calamity that is threatening the ecosystem in the world these days, seriously affected by scattering off the coast of the U.S. equivalent of thousands of barrels of oil flowing into the Atlantic Ocean from the deck off the coast of British Petroleum Louisiana, is the subject of concern and at the same time, solidarity from the community of Puglia. Clearly aware of what the situation is extremely serious and requires early intervention and appropriate. The Region of Puglia has always been sensitive to environmental issues and riconvertitasi green economy in recent years has seen the birth of thriving regional industrial districts, argue that companies operating in the same sector in the construction of networks of relationships. From one of these districts, one of mechanics, comes the proposal of a possible radical solution to the problem of oil spillage at sea. The company Fluid Sanseverino, based in Bari, has patented a machine - the Oilsep Cc Ecology - able to make a clear separation between the water and all fluids pollutants that float. The 'Cc Oilsep Ecology has the function to absorb and remove oil stains that too often settles on the sea surface and resulting from the activities of tankers, oil platforms and industries, without using any chemical additives. The equipment is Bosh has already been tested by and is the subject of interest in the areas of extraction of hydrocarbon fuels, such as Oman and Nigeria. The entire district of mechanics will make themselves available to realize the number of machines needed to completely clean up the slick poured into the sea. We believe that the proposal could represent a viable alternative to the use of chemical solvents, hazardous to the delicate balance of marine and still inconclusive. The company's business and the equipment would be viewed at: The district's mechanical and scientific research system Pugliese would be happy to get in touch with similar partners, academic and production of those communities that are now working to equip its territories affected by the environmental disaster, innovative solutions by adapting and testing the specificity of contesto.In a recent meeting with Ambassador David Thorne we have referred also to collaborations in science and technology which may involve the United States of America and the realities of academic and production of the Italian territories.

course that you will give voice to this desire for effective solidarity, I am waiting for your kind reply. I welcome the opportunity to offer you my most sincere and cordial greetings.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

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Auto Blue: An all-Italian passion

I leave you to read this article published on in which, by the estimates reported, it is clear that for every 95 Italians thumb there is a blue car.

We topped the world rankings again, rounding plenty of countries with a population hundreds of times larger than the Italian. The outrageous amount would turn the people of any country, plus considering that the only thing that increases in Italy in addition to the blue cars are the salaries and pensions of MPs.

Dobbiamo aspettare il default italiano, dopo quello greco, per risolvere delle questioni tanto macroscopiche e sotto gli occhi di tutti?

A voi l'articolo:

Poi uno dice che parlar sempre male della casta è puro e semplice qualunquismo . Sarà, ma a leggere l’ultimo comunicato dell’ Associazione Contribuenti , come si può dar torto ai vari detrattori della politica e delle istituzioni (ce ne sono tanti, scegliete voi).

La storia in poche righe è questa: tutti sanno che la crisi, partita dalla finanza, si è abbattuta anche sull’economia reale del nostro paese, come in across Europe, and that the recovery will be (many I hope), though slow and difficult.

In addition, recently, there was also some parts of the Mediterranean by the end bankrupt. In short, he pulls a bad air and you have to tighten their belts, make sacrifices, especially in Italy where the government accounts are always in red. The bogeyman of Greece is around the corner.

Then, one reads a press release and the fall for the arms: the blue car in Italy in the first quarter of 2010 are increased by 0.6 percent to 629,120 units share. A colossal figure: there is no other country the world with such a large number of privileged people.

Do not believe us? In the U.S. are just 72,000, France 61,000, 55,000 in the United Kingdom, Germany 54,000, Turkey 51,000, Spain 42,000, 30,000 in Japan, Greece and Portugal 29,000 22,000.

Now Renato Brunetta, minister for public administration and champion energy bursts out: the numbers are not convincing (there is no official estimate) and signed a directive to start a census, which then leave for halve the costs for the management of public car park.

E launches a proposal: "We think some form of rationalization as the car sharing ol 'blue car collective verify the use, fuel consumption, maintenance, use of the drivers. "

good idea, that of minister. Indeed, more: the blue car sharing or car group for politicians and senior government officials might even work. In Sweden.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

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"To my knowledge ".... The glorious exploits of the masked benefactors! The


The door you see in the picture is the number 5 Via Emanuele Gianturco in Rome ahead of a few hundred meters you see Piazzale Flaminio, after which there is Piazza del Popolo.
Well, 7 July 2004, an apartment of five rooms and services in this building was purchased by a certain Alberto Donati for a consideration of € 390,000 (more or less the price of an apartment on Casilina).
The beauty is that the same day as the architect Angelo Zampolini (the one in the apartment of Scajola) had paid € 520,000 in cash provided by Diego Anemone, taken immediately after 52 drafts of € 10,000 each payable to Maurizio De Carolis, or the seller of the property.
Even more remarkable is the fact that Alberto Donati, ie the buyer or his son Hercules Incalza, consultant at the time of the Minister of Infrastructure Pietro Lunardi, and now head of the technical structure of the mission of the Minister Matteoli.
Well, apparently we repeat: we want to stop or not to pay for decent homes for people without their knowledge?


Monday, May 10, 2010

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"ricattino" Marchionne us falling back on Faith

According to union sources, Marchionne has blocked the payments to employees unless unions do not accept the departure of 270 workers and 80 temporary. According to sources

union, in Ferrari relations between unions and company would come to a breaking point now.

year, with the move to real Fiat (until recently the Ferrari was a "thing in itself" independent of Turin), Marchionne has now blocked the payments to employees by refusing to give them the balance of output 2009 unless, trade unions, do not accept the dismissal of 270 workers of which 80 would be added interinali.I unions, or at least those who are spreading this news, consider this position as blackmail to which real they do not want to give up. The award of production materials come on the machines is higher than those provided delayed in three steps, and the balance of this award is given to April the following year. The same sources, tomorrow will hold a press conference with several journalists to publicize it.

is not so much of the production bonus to which employees could maybe even give up on the advice of their union representatives, but the terms in which the question arises. The technique

Marchionne, the "ricattino" masked by "we can not do better" seems to be catching on as a modus operandi now acquired by CEO Fiat.

As the presentation of the new business plan about three weeks ago when Marchionne launched this subliminal message a mo' di Padrino dicendo che "Bisogna accettare il piano, perché é già pronto un piano B che non è molto bello. Non è una minaccia per i sindacati"

Insomma in tutti i suoi anni di militanza imprenditoriale negli Stati Uniti Marchionne si è un po' scordato come funzionano le cose in Italia.
Qui infatti, al contrario che negli USA, con i sindacati si discute e non si chiudono le porte a priori senza nessun margine di trattativa.

Ricordiamoci sempre che nel braccio di ferro tra imprenditori e sindacati, ricatti o meno, chi vince e chi perde non sono i due contendenti, ma altre persone che delle diatribe e dei ricatti non vorrebbero nemmeno sentir parlare, ma vorrebbero solo trovare open the gates of the company.

therefore restrict the threatening tone, the blackmail and the feet pointing in advance, dates to at least the impression that these people were seriously trying to do the best for them, at least that you have him.

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Saviano: "The others are dead, but he is super-protected"

Here is the transcript of the things dall'immondo exit orifice of the director of "TG" 4.
Just for those who could not grasp all the details of the verbiage of the Faith.

A man without shame and without restraint, we knew già, ma lo stupore che riesce a generare ad ogni sua uscita si rinnova e si ingrandisce.

"Ci sono state polemiche anche su Roberto Saviano ... sempre lui ... ma non è lui che ha scoperto la lotta alla Camorra, non è lui il solo che l'ha denunciata, ci sono registi e giornalisti come lui ... e che sono morti ... lui invece è ancora protetto, superprotetto ... però non se ne può più ... di sentire che lui è l'eroe ... qualcuno gli ha pure offerto la cittadinanza onoraria ... di che cosa? non si capisce, ha scritto libri sulla Camorra, e l'ha fatto tanta altra gente, senza andare sulle prime pagine, senza fare tanto clamore ... senza rompere ... ehm senza disturbare la riflessione della gente ... un Paese like ours is against the Mafia, there is no need Roberto Saviano "

Friday, May 7, 2010

Housing Allowance Requestation Letter

Edison chiamata in giudizio per danno ambientale in Sicilia

While the Ministry of Economic Development says that "all is well" and that the off shore oil rigs operating in the Mediterranean are perfectly in order and do not constitute a risk to the marine environment, Edison is being sued for environmental damage and ecosystem.

The process is concerning pollution at sea caused by the activities of the site of cultivation and production of mining called Campo Vega, al largo di Pozzallo in provincia di Ragusa.

Nell’udienza preliminare, svoltasi oggi, il Procuratore della Repubblica Francesco Puleio e l’Avvocatura dello Stato (che si è costituita parte civile in giudizio per conto del Ministero dell’Ambiente) hanno chiesto di citare in giudizio, quale responsabile civile per gli ingenti danni provocati all’ecosistema marino di Pozzallo, Edison, proprietaria della struttura.

L’accusa ritiene che i responsabili del Campo Vega avrebbero sversato in mare, con modalità illecite e nocive per l’ecosistema (e con risparmi per Edison pari a decine di milioni di euro), rifiuti speciali pericolosi (acque di strato, acque di lavaggio, bilge water) resulting from extraction and storage of oil grown in mining lease, with consequent pollution of the area.

The trial was postponed until Oct. 21 to allow the presence in court of Edison Spa but, meanwhile, has already taken steps to dismantle the platform and replace it with the Vega Alfa Leonis supertanker that, in turn, was transformed into a FSO (Floating Storage Off-loading unit) and will be opened June 24 next year.

Source: Ecoblog

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Welcome Sample Speeches

Proiettili recapitati alla sede di Repubblica a Palermo

Una busta contenente un proiettile e un messaggio intimidatorio nei confronti di magistrati antimafia, collaboratori di giustizia e giornalisti è stata recapitata alla redazione palermitano del quotidiano La Repubblica.

Nella missiva, inviata da Firenze, si parla di "tumori generati da un eccesso di ruoli all'interno del nostro sistema" e si lamenta "un vero attacco a valorosi uomini che hanno dato dignità al nostro paese". Nella lettera si fa riferimento in particolare al procuratore aggiunto di Palermo Antonio Ingroia, al Pm della Dda Nino Di Matteo, al procuratore di Caltanissetta Sergio Lari, a Massimo Ciancimino e al pentito Gaspare Spatuzza indicati come "soggetti che direttamente o indirettamente subiranno le conseguenze di operazioni già pianificate".

Nella missiva sono citati anche, sotto la dicitura "in attesa di decisioni", Michele Santoro e Sandro Ruotolo definiti "giornalisti in appoggio a un disegno eversivo intrapreso da magistrati comunisti".

Fonte Articolo