Monday, May 10, 2010

Why Cant Oovoo Detect My Camera

"ricattino" Marchionne us falling back on Faith

According to union sources, Marchionne has blocked the payments to employees unless unions do not accept the departure of 270 workers and 80 temporary. According to sources

union, in Ferrari relations between unions and company would come to a breaking point now.

year, with the move to real Fiat (until recently the Ferrari was a "thing in itself" independent of Turin), Marchionne has now blocked the payments to employees by refusing to give them the balance of output 2009 unless, trade unions, do not accept the dismissal of 270 workers of which 80 would be added interinali.I unions, or at least those who are spreading this news, consider this position as blackmail to which real they do not want to give up. The award of production materials come on the machines is higher than those provided delayed in three steps, and the balance of this award is given to April the following year. The same sources, tomorrow will hold a press conference with several journalists to publicize it.

is not so much of the production bonus to which employees could maybe even give up on the advice of their union representatives, but the terms in which the question arises. The technique

Marchionne, the "ricattino" masked by "we can not do better" seems to be catching on as a modus operandi now acquired by CEO Fiat.

As the presentation of the new business plan about three weeks ago when Marchionne launched this subliminal message a mo' di Padrino dicendo che "Bisogna accettare il piano, perché é già pronto un piano B che non è molto bello. Non è una minaccia per i sindacati"

Insomma in tutti i suoi anni di militanza imprenditoriale negli Stati Uniti Marchionne si è un po' scordato come funzionano le cose in Italia.
Qui infatti, al contrario che negli USA, con i sindacati si discute e non si chiudono le porte a priori senza nessun margine di trattativa.

Ricordiamoci sempre che nel braccio di ferro tra imprenditori e sindacati, ricatti o meno, chi vince e chi perde non sono i due contendenti, ma altre persone che delle diatribe e dei ricatti non vorrebbero nemmeno sentir parlare, ma vorrebbero solo trovare open the gates of the company.

therefore restrict the threatening tone, the blackmail and the feet pointing in advance, dates to at least the impression that these people were seriously trying to do the best for them, at least that you have him.


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