I leave you to read this article published on Panorama.it in which, by the estimates reported, it is clear that for every 95 Italians thumb there is a blue car.
We topped the world rankings again, rounding plenty of countries with a population hundreds of times larger than the Italian. The outrageous amount would turn the people of any country, plus considering that the only thing that increases in Italy in addition to the blue cars are the salaries and pensions of MPs.
Dobbiamo aspettare il default italiano, dopo quello greco, per risolvere delle questioni tanto macroscopiche e sotto gli occhi di tutti?
A voi l'articolo:
Poi uno dice che parlar sempre male della casta è puro e semplice qualunquismo . Sarà, ma a leggere l’ultimo comunicato dell’ Associazione Contribuenti , come si può dar torto ai vari detrattori della politica e delle istituzioni (ce ne sono tanti, scegliete voi).
La storia in poche righe è questa: tutti sanno che la crisi, partita dalla finanza, si è abbattuta anche sull’economia reale del nostro paese, come in across Europe, and that the recovery will be (many I hope), though slow and difficult.
In addition, recently, there was also some parts of the Mediterranean by the end bankrupt. In short, he pulls a bad air and you have to tighten their belts, make sacrifices, especially in Italy where the government accounts are always in red. The bogeyman of Greece is around the corner.
Then, one reads a press release and the fall for the arms: the blue car in Italy in the first quarter of 2010 are increased by 0.6 percent to 629,120 units share. A colossal figure: there is no other country the world with such a large number of privileged people.
Do not believe us? In the U.S. are just 72,000, France 61,000, 55,000 in the United Kingdom, Germany 54,000, Turkey 51,000, Spain 42,000, 30,000 in Japan, Greece and Portugal 29,000 22,000.
Now Renato Brunetta, minister for public administration and champion energy bursts out: the numbers are not convincing (there is no official estimate) and signed a directive to start a census, which then leave for halve the costs for the management of public car park.
E launches a proposal: "We think some form of rationalization as the car sharing ol 'blue car collective verify the use, fuel consumption, maintenance, use of the drivers. "
good idea, that of minister. Indeed, more: the blue car sharing or car group for politicians and senior government officials might even work. In Sweden.
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