Friday, May 7, 2010

Housing Allowance Requestation Letter

Edison chiamata in giudizio per danno ambientale in Sicilia

While the Ministry of Economic Development says that "all is well" and that the off shore oil rigs operating in the Mediterranean are perfectly in order and do not constitute a risk to the marine environment, Edison is being sued for environmental damage and ecosystem.

The process is concerning pollution at sea caused by the activities of the site of cultivation and production of mining called Campo Vega, al largo di Pozzallo in provincia di Ragusa.

Nell’udienza preliminare, svoltasi oggi, il Procuratore della Repubblica Francesco Puleio e l’Avvocatura dello Stato (che si è costituita parte civile in giudizio per conto del Ministero dell’Ambiente) hanno chiesto di citare in giudizio, quale responsabile civile per gli ingenti danni provocati all’ecosistema marino di Pozzallo, Edison, proprietaria della struttura.

L’accusa ritiene che i responsabili del Campo Vega avrebbero sversato in mare, con modalità illecite e nocive per l’ecosistema (e con risparmi per Edison pari a decine di milioni di euro), rifiuti speciali pericolosi (acque di strato, acque di lavaggio, bilge water) resulting from extraction and storage of oil grown in mining lease, with consequent pollution of the area.

The trial was postponed until Oct. 21 to allow the presence in court of Edison Spa but, meanwhile, has already taken steps to dismantle the platform and replace it with the Vega Alfa Leonis supertanker that, in turn, was transformed into a FSO (Floating Storage Off-loading unit) and will be opened June 24 next year.

Source: Ecoblog


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