Incinerators and fetal malformations: French study confirms correlation
“Maternal residence near municipal waste incinerators and the risk of urinary tract birth defects” è uno studio, l’ennesimo, condotto nella regione del Sud Est della Francia, Paese che nel 2000 ha incenerito 11 milioni di tonnellate di rifiuti, il 26% della produzione.
E’ stato condotto da una equipe Università di Lione, di Rennes e dal Registro delle Malformazioni del Rhone-Alpes, la zona dove sono emersi picchi di malformazioni nei nuovi nati, che non trovano giustificazione.
Si tratta di 304 neonati che hanno evidenziato difetti all’apparto genitale. In particolare problemi renali e di uropatia ostruttiva.
Sylvaine Cordier, Anne Lehebel, Emmanuelle Amar, Lucie Anzivino-Viricel, Martine Hours, Christine Monfort, Cecile Chevrier, Mireille Chiron, Elisabeth Robert-Gnansia, women scientists who explored with passion and attention to the problem, arriving at conclusions as predictable concern.
"waste incinerators" says the treaty "shall issue a mixture of persistent chemicals with a high potential toxic to the embryo, including heavy metals and dioxins / furans in the atmosphere."
We are talking to the incinerators, those who are less ill of a barbecue, to hear about our local scientists and environmental assessor of the town of Parma.
"We found an association between living near an incinerator and risk of urinary tract defects of the new born "is the pithy conclusion of the study that emphasizes the consumption of local products modify the disease risk for bioaccumulation for example, in cow's milk and dairy products (cheese).
A clear warning not to consume products that are grown in close proximity to these facilities.
few years then look at the salads made in Ugozzolo, except that of his grandfather Allodi, which still keeps us unaware of the location of his new residence in the shadow of the chimney.
incinerators are the most responsible of the emission of dioxins in the environment.
In France the first issue is 52% complete, with 202 grams of toxic doses equivalent (I-TEQ) per year. Besides these plants emit dioxins a series of extremely hazardous compounds: polychlorinated biphenyls, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heavy metals such as cadmium, arsenic, chromium, mercury, particulates flying as PM10, sulfur oxides, in short, the usual recipe indigestible.
The area surveyed has 21 active waste incinerators, while 70 plants since 1988 haoo operated for at least a year in the region.
The study was concentrated in a radius of 10 km from the stack emission, given the area more dangerous and prone to relapse.
The study did not underestimate the other emissive sources that were calculated in each case.
emission models have been conducted scientifically according to the declarations of the operators, then on the average of the plant.
The study is available on our website at:
Friday, August 6, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Good Gay Truth Or Dare Questions
Prestigiacomo Minister calls for moratorium on offshore drilling for BP in Libya
While the Minister Stefania Prestigiacomo, I remember the department of Environment, urges for si proceda con la costruzione delle centrali nucleari in Italia, si dice però preoccupata dalle trivellazioni off shore di Bp in Libia.
Ohibò e perché lo sarebbe? La Libia affaccia nel Mar Mediterraneo e dunque un incidente simile a quello accorso nel Golfo del Messico potrebbe distruggere il nostro mare poiché chiuso e non aperto come l’Oceano.
Condivide il Ministro Prestigiacomo le preoccupazioni per un Mediterraneo probabilmente inquinato da un probabile incidente della Bp con il Senatore Antonio D’Alì, presidente della Commissione Ambiente e con Franco Frattini Ministro degli Esteri. Di certo, in quanto a inquinamento la Sicilia che affaccia al di qua della Libia può dirsi soddisfatta: il triangolo poisons Priolo, Augusta, Melisi invivibilità meets several requirements. And then we just have to Pozzallo in Italy platform Vega extraction of Edison that is safe and does not create problems. Reports:
D'Ali also noted that an accident could turn into an "irreversible disaster for all countries of the Mediterranean" which is a closed sea, and already heavily polluted from the man. The Chairman D'Ali greeted with satisfaction the intervention of the Minister Prestigiacomo because "confirms the awareness of the Italian government after the alarms I launched in Parliament and also included in the press International. We are confident now, after the interventions of both the Minister Frattini, Minister Prestigiacomo is that the measures called for by the Environment Committee of the Senate can be implemented. " D'Ali refers to the recent resolutions passed in the Senate, which in fact constitute the real moratorium on drilling in Italian waters but also reaffirms that "the common goal must be to block the drilling permits in any part of the Mediterranean, beginning with those "Italian past for which we expect from the government line in the next few days an immediate declaration of a moratorium and subsequent withdrawal. In fact, persist some search operations in the waters of the Canal of Sicily and in particular in the vicinity of the island of Pantelleria, which are causing 'suspicious' and alarm among the population concerned and in Sicily. "
While the Minister Stefania Prestigiacomo, I remember the department of Environment, urges for si proceda con la costruzione delle centrali nucleari in Italia, si dice però preoccupata dalle trivellazioni off shore di Bp in Libia.
Ohibò e perché lo sarebbe? La Libia affaccia nel Mar Mediterraneo e dunque un incidente simile a quello accorso nel Golfo del Messico potrebbe distruggere il nostro mare poiché chiuso e non aperto come l’Oceano.
Condivide il Ministro Prestigiacomo le preoccupazioni per un Mediterraneo probabilmente inquinato da un probabile incidente della Bp con il Senatore Antonio D’Alì, presidente della Commissione Ambiente e con Franco Frattini Ministro degli Esteri. Di certo, in quanto a inquinamento la Sicilia che affaccia al di qua della Libia può dirsi soddisfatta: il triangolo poisons Priolo, Augusta, Melisi invivibilità meets several requirements. And then we just have to Pozzallo in Italy platform Vega extraction of Edison that is safe and does not create problems. Reports:
D'Ali also noted that an accident could turn into an "irreversible disaster for all countries of the Mediterranean" which is a closed sea, and already heavily polluted from the man. The Chairman D'Ali greeted with satisfaction the intervention of the Minister Prestigiacomo because "confirms the awareness of the Italian government after the alarms I launched in Parliament and also included in the press International. We are confident now, after the interventions of both the Minister Frattini, Minister Prestigiacomo is that the measures called for by the Environment Committee of the Senate can be implemented. " D'Ali refers to the recent resolutions passed in the Senate, which in fact constitute the real moratorium on drilling in Italian waters but also reaffirms that "the common goal must be to block the drilling permits in any part of the Mediterranean, beginning with those "Italian past for which we expect from the government line in the next few days an immediate declaration of a moratorium and subsequent withdrawal. In fact, persist some search operations in the waters of the Canal of Sicily and in particular in the vicinity of the island of Pantelleria, which are causing 'suspicious' and alarm among the population concerned and in Sicily. "
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Thank You Letter To A Relative
Chernobyl after 25 years after the collapse of biodiversity
The Chernobyl accident, even after 25 years, back to talk to him. The fauna in the area where there was the terrible nuclear explosion is still suffering and struggling to resume life. These are the raw results of the research of Efficiency bio-indicators for low-level radiation under field conditions condotta per quattro anni da Timothy Mousseau dell’Università della Carolina del Sud e Anders Møller dell’Università di Parigi-Sud, Francia e pubblicata su Ecological Indicators.
I due scienziati hanno catalogato e studiato gli animali presenti nella zona misurando la radioattività della fauna selvatica. Spiegano gli scienziati:
La verità è che gli effetti nocivi della contaminazione radioattiva sono talmente grandi da risultare schiaccianti. Gli effetti sono particolarmente evidenti negli uccelli. Gli uccelli offrono la miglior “misura quantitativa” di questo impatto” e il censimento delle specie animali in quest’area, performed for more than three years has produced considerable evidence showing that the radioactivity has a "significant impact" on biodiversity loss.
denies Mousseau, therefore, the propaganda of Ukrainian scientists, who want the area is becoming a haven for wildlife, flora you because of the lack of human presence. Accused in the documentary Chernobyl natural history, which shows a shot of life flourishing in the area affected by radiation. But Mousseau says:
These statements are "purely anecdotal." This is the first document that provides rigorous, quantitative data on the fact that life mammals of the closed area is significantly influenced by the presence of radioactive contamination. In any case, I do not think it is a bad idea to call this area "a haven for wildlife, but if it were used as a" natural laboratory "in which it was possible to study the long-term consequences of this type of accident. If the company always wants to learn more about long-term consequences of large environmental disasters - and Chernobyl is just one of many - it is important that all of us (researchers) we take our responsibilities seriously.
The Chernobyl accident, even after 25 years, back to talk to him. The fauna in the area where there was the terrible nuclear explosion is still suffering and struggling to resume life. These are the raw results of the research of Efficiency bio-indicators for low-level radiation under field conditions condotta per quattro anni da Timothy Mousseau dell’Università della Carolina del Sud e Anders Møller dell’Università di Parigi-Sud, Francia e pubblicata su Ecological Indicators.
I due scienziati hanno catalogato e studiato gli animali presenti nella zona misurando la radioattività della fauna selvatica. Spiegano gli scienziati:
La verità è che gli effetti nocivi della contaminazione radioattiva sono talmente grandi da risultare schiaccianti. Gli effetti sono particolarmente evidenti negli uccelli. Gli uccelli offrono la miglior “misura quantitativa” di questo impatto” e il censimento delle specie animali in quest’area, performed for more than three years has produced considerable evidence showing that the radioactivity has a "significant impact" on biodiversity loss.
denies Mousseau, therefore, the propaganda of Ukrainian scientists, who want the area is becoming a haven for wildlife, flora you because of the lack of human presence. Accused in the documentary Chernobyl natural history, which shows a shot of life flourishing in the area affected by radiation. But Mousseau says:
These statements are "purely anecdotal." This is the first document that provides rigorous, quantitative data on the fact that life mammals of the closed area is significantly influenced by the presence of radioactive contamination. In any case, I do not think it is a bad idea to call this area "a haven for wildlife, but if it were used as a" natural laboratory "in which it was possible to study the long-term consequences of this type of accident. If the company always wants to learn more about long-term consequences of large environmental disasters - and Chernobyl is just one of many - it is important that all of us (researchers) we take our responsibilities seriously.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Asin Molested By Teacher
Abruzzo, arrested in 5 "speculate on the earthquake
Way representatives PDL. The shutdown request is based on a finding of favors and benefits received for work done contrary to the tasks and duties related to the Civil Service held.
The regional minister for civil protection, environment, waste, Daniela States - addressed to the protective order disqualification from office - and the four people arrested this morning were involved in illegal activity "in order to obtain the advantage of being included in the list of beneficiaries for the facts and related acts reconstruction after the earthquake of 6 April 2009. " This was stated by the Public Prosecutor of the Eagle, Alfred Ross, explaining that it would not be an investigation tied to the incinerator.
crashes - "The Public Prosecutor of the Eagle - it is stated in a note - the outcome of investigations conducted by the flying squad of Pescara, asked some personal protective measures against five people, including the Regional Councillor Civil Protection and Environment, Daniela States for acts of corruption. " The other four involved in the investigation are the father, Ezio, and fellow of the States, Mark Buzzelli, a former member of Forza Italia, Vincenzo Angeloni, e Sabatino Stornelli, ex amministratore delegato di Telespazio e attuale amministratore delegato di Selex service management, società di Finmeccanica. Angeloni, 58 anni, medico odontoiatra, originario di Avezzano, è stato prima deputato di An e poi di Fi, ex patron della Valle del Giovenco (Lega Pro), aveva ceduto la società a Stornelli. Il nome di quest’ultimo appare in un’inchiesta de L’Espresso a firma Gomez-Malagutti sulla Security Finmeccanica ‘Controlli sui telefoni. Vigilantes e radar. Ecco i piani del gruppo statale. Ereditati da Telecom’.”Finmeccanica sembra interessata a coinvolgere alcune delle aziende in difficoltà, se non altro per la fornitura di tecnologie. L’operazione è gestita da Sabatino Stornelli, approdato al gruppo di Guarguaglini dopo una lunga militanza a Telecom, per la precisione in Telespazio. Stornelli, tra l’altro, siede sulla poltrona di amministratore delegato di Seicos, la società controllata al 100 per cento da Finmeccanica a cui verrebbe affidato, secondo quanto risulta a ‘L’espresso’ il nuovo filone d’affari delle intercettazioni“. Ezio Stati – che è agli arrestati domiciliari – per anni fu tesoriere della Dc abruzzese. Stati fu arrestato negli anni Novanta nell’ambito di alcune inchieste sulla tangentopoli, subito dopo essere stato nominato assessore regionale. Nel Duemila fu capogruppo regionale di Fi, ma si dovette dimettere in seguito the fact that had become final conviction on the previous court case.
reshuffle in joints - Meanwhile, Daniela States has resigned from Regional Councillor for Civil Protection, waste and environment. This was learned from regional sources. The decision stems from the decision of the judiciary has banned from public office under investigation for alleged favoritism, corruption in post-earthquake reconstruction. The court case has caused a political earthquake in the region of Abruzzo. The chairman, Gianni Chiodi, should undertake a mini reshuffle forced by replacing the states with another woman, as the statute requires the presence of regional two women in the executive. In this sense, it opens a race to the Councillor who is not foreign to L'Aquila, claiming representation in the Executive. In the court case you are talking about at the meeting of the Regional Council, being held in Pescara, and to which, of course, is not participating in the commissioner states. From regional sources, we learn that statements by President Nails are imminent.
Way representatives PDL. The shutdown request is based on a finding of favors and benefits received for work done contrary to the tasks and duties related to the Civil Service held.
The regional minister for civil protection, environment, waste, Daniela States - addressed to the protective order disqualification from office - and the four people arrested this morning were involved in illegal activity "in order to obtain the advantage of being included in the list of beneficiaries for the facts and related acts reconstruction after the earthquake of 6 April 2009. " This was stated by the Public Prosecutor of the Eagle, Alfred Ross, explaining that it would not be an investigation tied to the incinerator.
crashes - "The Public Prosecutor of the Eagle - it is stated in a note - the outcome of investigations conducted by the flying squad of Pescara, asked some personal protective measures against five people, including the Regional Councillor Civil Protection and Environment, Daniela States for acts of corruption. " The other four involved in the investigation are the father, Ezio, and fellow of the States, Mark Buzzelli, a former member of Forza Italia, Vincenzo Angeloni, e Sabatino Stornelli, ex amministratore delegato di Telespazio e attuale amministratore delegato di Selex service management, società di Finmeccanica. Angeloni, 58 anni, medico odontoiatra, originario di Avezzano, è stato prima deputato di An e poi di Fi, ex patron della Valle del Giovenco (Lega Pro), aveva ceduto la società a Stornelli. Il nome di quest’ultimo appare in un’inchiesta de L’Espresso a firma Gomez-Malagutti sulla Security Finmeccanica ‘Controlli sui telefoni. Vigilantes e radar. Ecco i piani del gruppo statale. Ereditati da Telecom’.”Finmeccanica sembra interessata a coinvolgere alcune delle aziende in difficoltà, se non altro per la fornitura di tecnologie. L’operazione è gestita da Sabatino Stornelli, approdato al gruppo di Guarguaglini dopo una lunga militanza a Telecom, per la precisione in Telespazio. Stornelli, tra l’altro, siede sulla poltrona di amministratore delegato di Seicos, la società controllata al 100 per cento da Finmeccanica a cui verrebbe affidato, secondo quanto risulta a ‘L’espresso’ il nuovo filone d’affari delle intercettazioni“. Ezio Stati – che è agli arrestati domiciliari – per anni fu tesoriere della Dc abruzzese. Stati fu arrestato negli anni Novanta nell’ambito di alcune inchieste sulla tangentopoli, subito dopo essere stato nominato assessore regionale. Nel Duemila fu capogruppo regionale di Fi, ma si dovette dimettere in seguito the fact that had become final conviction on the previous court case.
reshuffle in joints - Meanwhile, Daniela States has resigned from Regional Councillor for Civil Protection, waste and environment. This was learned from regional sources. The decision stems from the decision of the judiciary has banned from public office under investigation for alleged favoritism, corruption in post-earthquake reconstruction. The court case has caused a political earthquake in the region of Abruzzo. The chairman, Gianni Chiodi, should undertake a mini reshuffle forced by replacing the states with another woman, as the statute requires the presence of regional two women in the executive. In this sense, it opens a race to the Councillor who is not foreign to L'Aquila, claiming representation in the Executive. In the court case you are talking about at the meeting of the Regional Council, being held in Pescara, and to which, of course, is not participating in the commissioner states. From regional sources, we learn that statements by President Nails are imminent.
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USA. Sick Sla asks to donate vital organs before the disease kills
A man suffering from Alzheimer's Lou Gehrig asked to die by donating their organs, rather than wait for it to kill the terrible neurodegenerative disease. Garry
Phebus, 61, the fight against amyotrophic lateral sclerosis since 2008. In an interview with CNN said that the diagnosis is a death sentence, with no loopholes, no appeal, and who wants to donate his organs pretend it is able to do so.
"If someone is amputated legs or wife leaves him and commits suicide, is another story. He still has a life ahead of him. But I do not," he said. And for people awaiting a transplant, "There is nothing more extraordinary to receive an organ so that a family can watch his family grow up. "
Lou Gehrig's disease attacks the nervous system in the brain and spinal cord, affecting the voluntary control of muscles. In its later stages, the disease can leave patients paralyzed but fully conscious and alert.
Phebus has admitted that his decision "is not for everyone," but said his family supports him.'s daughter Kerri Wilkinson said: "We said, OK, well, we should not do that right now, but in the meantime try to learn more about this opportunity. "But when the illness of his father" gets to the point where he lost his pride or he is humiliated by the way he is forced to suffer ... we will have no problem with this decision. " The offer
Phebus "is admirable, and he goes all our sympathy," said Leigh Vinocur, a specialist in emergency medicine at the University of Maryland. "But 10 percent of people can 'live 20 years with this disease." Vinocur
Phebus consider asking for assisted suicide, a practice legal in only three U.S. states-Oregon, Washington and Montana. And in those states, patients seeking to end their lives are generally in the last stages of terminal illness.
"Pick bodies in patients, for example, are brain dead or are in the terminal phase," he said. Most doctors would have trouble "to do what he asks Phebus, because "at this time, it is quite healthy."
"I can not imagine, in essence, put in this time a relatively healthy man under anesthesia, grub vital organs like the heart and remove the respirator," said Vinocur.
Phebus is now mobilizing on-line. In a video posted on YouTube, says that 90,000 people die every year waiting for organ transplants, and compares his situation to a soldier in the trenches that jumps on a grenade to save his comrades.
"I'm not suicidal," he says. "I just know that it is a matter of time before he died and I want to do a good thing for all those who do have a good life expectancy."
A man suffering from Alzheimer's Lou Gehrig asked to die by donating their organs, rather than wait for it to kill the terrible neurodegenerative disease. Garry
Phebus, 61, the fight against amyotrophic lateral sclerosis since 2008. In an interview with CNN said that the diagnosis is a death sentence, with no loopholes, no appeal, and who wants to donate his organs pretend it is able to do so.
"If someone is amputated legs or wife leaves him and commits suicide, is another story. He still has a life ahead of him. But I do not," he said. And for people awaiting a transplant, "There is nothing more extraordinary to receive an organ so that a family can watch his family grow up. "
Lou Gehrig's disease attacks the nervous system in the brain and spinal cord, affecting the voluntary control of muscles. In its later stages, the disease can leave patients paralyzed but fully conscious and alert.
Phebus has admitted that his decision "is not for everyone," but said his family supports him.'s daughter Kerri Wilkinson said: "We said, OK, well, we should not do that right now, but in the meantime try to learn more about this opportunity. "But when the illness of his father" gets to the point where he lost his pride or he is humiliated by the way he is forced to suffer ... we will have no problem with this decision. " The offer
Phebus "is admirable, and he goes all our sympathy," said Leigh Vinocur, a specialist in emergency medicine at the University of Maryland. "But 10 percent of people can 'live 20 years with this disease." Vinocur
Phebus consider asking for assisted suicide, a practice legal in only three U.S. states-Oregon, Washington and Montana. And in those states, patients seeking to end their lives are generally in the last stages of terminal illness.
"Pick bodies in patients, for example, are brain dead or are in the terminal phase," he said. Most doctors would have trouble "to do what he asks Phebus, because "at this time, it is quite healthy."
"I can not imagine, in essence, put in this time a relatively healthy man under anesthesia, grub vital organs like the heart and remove the respirator," said Vinocur.
Phebus is now mobilizing on-line. In a video posted on YouTube, says that 90,000 people die every year waiting for organ transplants, and compares his situation to a soldier in the trenches that jumps on a grenade to save his comrades.
"I'm not suicidal," he says. "I just know that it is a matter of time before he died and I want to do a good thing for all those who do have a good life expectancy."
Funny Congratulating Baby
reactor Italian-French, EDF admits two-year delay and increased costs
New tile on the European Pressurised Reactor (EPR), the French-designed nuclear reactor that will be 'adopted by Enel of Italy for the return to 'atom.
Electricite de France has announced that the entry into service of a prototype EPR Flamanville, in which the Company 'holds a 12% Italian, will take place' in 2014 with a delay of two years than originally planned. EDF has also explained that the plant will cost 'of € 5 billion, 1.7 billion more' of the initial budget 3.3 billion.
"significant progress has been made on the site of Flamanville EPR and have completed a series of critical stages," says the French group's quarterly "The aim to start commercial production and 'now set for 2014 and the costs of construction is now estimated at some 5 billion. "
The announcement of the French giant confirms rumors circulating in the press in recent weeks and is a further blow to the project after the difficulties' encountered in the construction of the other prototype, under construction in Finland, and after the defeat in the race by 20 billion dollars issued by Abu Dhabi for the supply of power.
But EDF does not show concern: "It 's a prototype - said the chief financial officer Thomas Piquemal - and more cost prototypes' of the copies that follow." (ASCA)
New tile on the European Pressurised Reactor (EPR), the French-designed nuclear reactor that will be 'adopted by Enel of Italy for the return to 'atom.
Electricite de France has announced that the entry into service of a prototype EPR Flamanville, in which the Company 'holds a 12% Italian, will take place' in 2014 with a delay of two years than originally planned. EDF has also explained that the plant will cost 'of € 5 billion, 1.7 billion more' of the initial budget 3.3 billion.
"significant progress has been made on the site of Flamanville EPR and have completed a series of critical stages," says the French group's quarterly "The aim to start commercial production and 'now set for 2014 and the costs of construction is now estimated at some 5 billion. "
The announcement of the French giant confirms rumors circulating in the press in recent weeks and is a further blow to the project after the difficulties' encountered in the construction of the other prototype, under construction in Finland, and after the defeat in the race by 20 billion dollars issued by Abu Dhabi for the supply of power.
But EDF does not show concern: "It 's a prototype - said the chief financial officer Thomas Piquemal - and more cost prototypes' of the copies that follow." (ASCA)
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EFSA, lame and sick chickens with rapid growth rates
EFSA scientific opinion that after the sorrows of the flesh de l'Espresso, will further pain to farmers, particularly pollicoltori. Supports EFSA considers that the welfare animal, in this case chickens for meat, that is, those chickens bred to be processed in the legs and wings, and Thigh several pieces, there are several reasons for concern. EFSA bring attention to the rapid growth, the result of intensive farming in which animals are subjected:
For broilers the main concerns in terms of being identified and associated to genetic selection were represented by disorders involving skeletal problems such as lameness, contact dermatitis, anatomical irregularities and sudden death syndrome. These problems are mainly related to rapid growth rates and resulting in poor welfare. The experts note the differences between countries, regions and different farming systems.
EFSA acknowledges that due to genetic selection has increased in broilers, the growth rate of four times, but this does not always coincide with the welfare of chickens. What to do? Simply put, says EFSA in genetically selected chickens should be taken into account not only the volume growth, but also the environment in which they live and do not necessarily force growth:
for example, to hot climates should be selected birds that grow Slowly, as the fast-growing broiler chickens are susceptible to heat stress. In addition, the genetic selection of poultry, it would be desirable to give high priority to reducing the number of lame birds and the reduction of contact dermatitis. These are important welfare problems, involving genetic predisposition and environmental conditions.
The situation is almost similar to breeding hens. EFSA writes:
For breeding animals, experts identify five main risk factors with impact on the welfare associated with management or genetic selection. The management factors are barren environment, animal density, dietary restrictions and limited sources of light, the genetic factor is the rapid growth rate. There are also concerns for the welfare arising from the interaction tra genetica e ambiente.
EFSA scientific opinion that after the sorrows of the flesh de l'Espresso, will further pain to farmers, particularly pollicoltori. Supports EFSA considers that the welfare animal, in this case chickens for meat, that is, those chickens bred to be processed in the legs and wings, and Thigh several pieces, there are several reasons for concern. EFSA bring attention to the rapid growth, the result of intensive farming in which animals are subjected:
For broilers the main concerns in terms of being identified and associated to genetic selection were represented by disorders involving skeletal problems such as lameness, contact dermatitis, anatomical irregularities and sudden death syndrome. These problems are mainly related to rapid growth rates and resulting in poor welfare. The experts note the differences between countries, regions and different farming systems.
EFSA acknowledges that due to genetic selection has increased in broilers, the growth rate of four times, but this does not always coincide with the welfare of chickens. What to do? Simply put, says EFSA in genetically selected chickens should be taken into account not only the volume growth, but also the environment in which they live and do not necessarily force growth:
for example, to hot climates should be selected birds that grow Slowly, as the fast-growing broiler chickens are susceptible to heat stress. In addition, the genetic selection of poultry, it would be desirable to give high priority to reducing the number of lame birds and the reduction of contact dermatitis. These are important welfare problems, involving genetic predisposition and environmental conditions.
The situation is almost similar to breeding hens. EFSA writes:
For breeding animals, experts identify five main risk factors with impact on the welfare associated with management or genetic selection. The management factors are barren environment, animal density, dietary restrictions and limited sources of light, the genetic factor is the rapid growth rate. There are also concerns for the welfare arising from the interaction tra genetica e ambiente.
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