New tile on the European Pressurised Reactor (EPR), the French-designed nuclear reactor that will be 'adopted by Enel of Italy for the return to 'atom.
Electricite de France has announced that the entry into service of a prototype EPR Flamanville, in which the Company 'holds a 12% Italian, will take place' in 2014 with a delay of two years than originally planned. EDF has also explained that the plant will cost 'of € 5 billion, 1.7 billion more' of the initial budget 3.3 billion.
"significant progress has been made on the site of Flamanville EPR and have completed a series of critical stages," says the French group's quarterly "The aim to start commercial production and 'now set for 2014 and the costs of construction is now estimated at some 5 billion. "
The announcement of the French giant confirms rumors circulating in the press in recent weeks and is a further blow to the project after the difficulties' encountered in the construction of the other prototype, under construction in Finland, and after the defeat in the race by 20 billion dollars issued by Abu Dhabi for the supply of power.
But EDF does not show concern: "It 's a prototype - said the chief financial officer Thomas Piquemal - and more cost prototypes' of the copies that follow." (ASCA)
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