Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Thank You Letter To A Relative

Chernobyl after 25 years after the collapse of biodiversity

The Chernobyl accident, even after 25 years, back to talk to him. The fauna in the area where there was the terrible nuclear explosion is still suffering and struggling to resume life. These are the raw results of the research of Efficiency bio-indicators for low-level radiation under field conditions condotta per quattro anni da Timothy Mousseau dell’Università della Carolina del Sud e Anders Møller dell’Università di Parigi-Sud, Francia e pubblicata su Ecological Indicators.

I due scienziati hanno catalogato e studiato gli animali presenti nella zona misurando la radioattività della fauna selvatica. Spiegano gli scienziati:

La verità è che gli effetti nocivi della contaminazione radioattiva sono talmente grandi da risultare schiaccianti. Gli effetti sono particolarmente evidenti negli uccelli. Gli uccelli offrono la miglior “misura quantitativa” di questo impatto” e il censimento delle specie animali in quest’area, performed for more than three years has produced considerable evidence showing that the radioactivity has a "significant impact" on biodiversity loss.

denies Mousseau, therefore, the propaganda of Ukrainian scientists, who want the area is becoming a haven for wildlife, flora you because of the lack of human presence. Accused in the documentary Chernobyl natural history, which shows a shot of life flourishing in the area affected by radiation. But Mousseau says:

These statements are "purely anecdotal." This is the first document that provides rigorous, quantitative data on the fact that life mammals of the closed area is significantly influenced by the presence of radioactive contamination. In any case, I do not think it is a bad idea to call this area "a haven for wildlife, but if it were used as a" natural laboratory "in which it was possible to study the long-term consequences of this type of accident. If the company always wants to learn more about long-term consequences of large environmental disasters - and Chernobyl is just one of many - it is important that all of us (researchers) we take our responsibilities seriously.



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