Abruzzo, arrested in 5 "speculate on the earthquake
Way representatives PDL. The shutdown request is based on a finding of favors and benefits received for work done contrary to the tasks and duties related to the Civil Service held.
The regional minister for civil protection, environment, waste, Daniela States - addressed to the protective order disqualification from office - and the four people arrested this morning were involved in illegal activity "in order to obtain the advantage of being included in the list of beneficiaries for the facts and related acts reconstruction after the earthquake of 6 April 2009. " This was stated by the Public Prosecutor of the Eagle, Alfred Ross, explaining that it would not be an investigation tied to the incinerator.
crashes - "The Public Prosecutor of the Eagle - it is stated in a note - the outcome of investigations conducted by the flying squad of Pescara, asked some personal protective measures against five people, including the Regional Councillor Civil Protection and Environment, Daniela States for acts of corruption. " The other four involved in the investigation are the father, Ezio, and fellow of the States, Mark Buzzelli, a former member of Forza Italia, Vincenzo Angeloni, e Sabatino Stornelli, ex amministratore delegato di Telespazio e attuale amministratore delegato di Selex service management, società di Finmeccanica. Angeloni, 58 anni, medico odontoiatra, originario di Avezzano, è stato prima deputato di An e poi di Fi, ex patron della Valle del Giovenco (Lega Pro), aveva ceduto la società a Stornelli. Il nome di quest’ultimo appare in un’inchiesta de L’Espresso a firma Gomez-Malagutti sulla Security Finmeccanica ‘Controlli sui telefoni. Vigilantes e radar. Ecco i piani del gruppo statale. Ereditati da Telecom’.”Finmeccanica sembra interessata a coinvolgere alcune delle aziende in difficoltà, se non altro per la fornitura di tecnologie. L’operazione è gestita da Sabatino Stornelli, approdato al gruppo di Guarguaglini dopo una lunga militanza a Telecom, per la precisione in Telespazio. Stornelli, tra l’altro, siede sulla poltrona di amministratore delegato di Seicos, la società controllata al 100 per cento da Finmeccanica a cui verrebbe affidato, secondo quanto risulta a ‘L’espresso’ il nuovo filone d’affari delle intercettazioni“. Ezio Stati – che è agli arrestati domiciliari – per anni fu tesoriere della Dc abruzzese. Stati fu arrestato negli anni Novanta nell’ambito di alcune inchieste sulla tangentopoli, subito dopo essere stato nominato assessore regionale. Nel Duemila fu capogruppo regionale di Fi, ma si dovette dimettere in seguito the fact that had become final conviction on the previous court case.
reshuffle in joints - Meanwhile, Daniela States has resigned from Regional Councillor for Civil Protection, waste and environment. This was learned from regional sources. The decision stems from the decision of the judiciary has banned from public office under investigation for alleged favoritism, corruption in post-earthquake reconstruction. The court case has caused a political earthquake in the region of Abruzzo. The chairman, Gianni Chiodi, should undertake a mini reshuffle forced by replacing the states with another woman, as the statute requires the presence of regional two women in the executive. In this sense, it opens a race to the Councillor who is not foreign to L'Aquila, claiming representation in the Executive. In the court case you are talking about at the meeting of the Regional Council, being held in Pescara, and to which, of course, is not participating in the commissioner states. From regional sources, we learn that statements by President Nails are imminent.
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