Saturday, July 31, 2010

Brent Corrigan And Brent Everett Wi

Another field of illegal GM corn in Friuli. Greenpeace cuts the top of the plants

E due. Greenpeace sostiene di avere le prove dell’esistenza di un altro campo di mais Ogm in Friuli, stavolta nelle vicinanze di Vivaro, sempre in provincia di Pordenone. Seminare Ogm è vietato dalla legge italiana.

Anche stavolta si tratta della varietà Mon810, approvata dall’Unione Europea per il consumo animale ed umano. Uno studio delle Università di Caen e Rouen, tuttavia, ha dimostrato danni alla salute in topi alimentati con questa e con altre due varietà di mais Ogm anch’esse approvate dall’Europa per il consumo animale e umano, il Mon863 e il NK603.

Stamattina all’alba venti attivisti di Greenpeace hanno tagliato, isolato e messo in sicurezza la parte superiore delle piante di mais Ogm, che produce il polline, responsabile della contaminazione. Guardate le foto.

In un comunicato stampa di Greenpeace si legge che l’associazione “sta facendo quello che le autorità hanno rimandato per settimane: bloccare la fonte della contaminazione transgenica. Anche in questo campo il mais è fiorito e sta già disseminando il proprio polline sulle coltivazioni circostanti”.

Quello di Vivaro è the second field of GM maize identified in two days by Greenpeace in Friuli.

can not be excluded that there are also others, says the association and is "very necessary that public authorities provide today to isolate and destroy both GM fields already identified, and immediately begin a meticulous sampling campaign and analysis on a larger scale, "because" the risk of contamination of all corn should be avoided in Friuli "

The Task Force for an Italy free from GMOs" which is part of Greenpeace has called for Today at noon a "defense of legality" at the Prefecture of Pordenone (the province where there are two camps GM) to request the destruction of genetically modified fields and measures against those responsible.

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U.S. ok to test on humans with embryonic stem cells is the first time in the world If

The Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. federal agency that deals with health, authorized for the first time ever human clinical trials of stem cells derived from embryos. This was announced by the website of the New York Times, recalling that these procedures will be developed by Geron Corporation and the University 'of California, Irvine, in some patients with spinal cord injury.

The FDA had already approved this kind of test 'in January 2009. However, shortly before they began, these studies were suspended because 'of the cysts were discovered in mice that were injected with the cells. At that point, Geron has developed other methods and developed a better technique to make more 'well the new cells.

The trial, phase 1 will be 'carried out in several' centers (up to seven) on a small number of patients with serious injury of the spinal cord. The main purpose is to verify security, even before the effectiveness of the technique. Will be enrolled in the trial patients with complete lesions of the thoracic spinal cord subacute grade, according to the scale of Asia (American Spinal Injury Association) and the therapy will consist in the injection of embryonic stem cells treated by the same Geron Corporation and marked with the symbol Grnopc1, derive from oligodendrocyte progenitor cells, or nerve cells that surround, like a sheath, the long filaments that connect nerve cells. The goal is' to restore the full functionality of nerve connections, repairing the injury that prevents her from completely. Although many long

Researchers claim that is correct from a scientific perspective, both along the path of research on adult stem cells and embryonic cells, the debate has long since crossed the boundaries of science to enter the political and ethical issues such as calling into question the status of ' embryo. According to the definition generally accepted in the scientific world and also envisaged by the international scientific journal Nature, embryonic stem cells are cells capable of giving rise to any organ or tissue. It 'a characteristic that belongs exclusively to the cells that form in the earliest stages of embryo development. Are totipotent, that is sufficient to give rise to a whole organism, and pluripotent that is able 'to form all the cell lines, including germ cells.

The adult stem cells are multipotent, tissue taken from the already 'differentiated and are not capable of giving rise to all types of organs or tissues. In contrast to embryonic cells, their use in the research poses no ethical problems, however, because 'does not imply the use of embryos. The challenge in this case, is to identify in each organ and tissue retention of immature cells. Once taken, or stimulated to grow, these can be grown and differentiated to obtain cell lines made of some tissues or organs.

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Superquark blesses GMOs ...

SuperQuark Last night I saw and by the end of the transmission, while the section that has books, a nice message in favor of GMOs. Let's say a little 'too much in favor. The book that should remove doubts about the fact that GMOs are not bad as people think it's written by Dario Bressanini, OGM, between legend and reality (Zanichelli ed.). Bressanini already railed against spending at 0 Km from his blog in food sciences de l'Espresso.

The thing that I did not like the present was not in itself an argument in favor of GMOs, but the fact want to pass a positive message and scrambling the cards incorrectly. Let me explain: we start from the concept that genetically modified organisms exist and are often used in agriculture to genetically improve the products. So far, this is only to improve a myriad of options exist: at the bottom of the apples we eat today are not the apples of 200 years ago.

GMOs of which we are speaking, they are under patent seeds that will change using multi-gene resistant to certain principles, antibiotics, pesticides, etc., etc.. In some cases we also provide a nutritional improvements, but is not that the goal of the multinationals.

We want to talk on TV of GMOs? Well, let's do it, but correctly. Explaining that an account are genetically modified organisms tout-court statement and balance are the semi-modified property of the multinationals who want to force, and to emphasize strength, introduced in Italy. These seeds are not modified to become resistant to the weather, not to be improved from a nutritional standpoint, not to be the absolute best, no, but to be resistant to a herbicide produced by the same multinational. So, who explains to me why I should eat modified maize, GMO, the seed of which is owned by a corporation, which also needs to be cultivated to be dealt with by force quell'erbicida produced by the same corporation? Sorry, but the advantage for me, the consumer, where is it? I

the benefits, if anything, there are, I see them or for multinationals that do business with a consumer product to me quite useless to farmers or maybe, just maybe, you could get rid of weeds, fungi and insects but you are not yet well understood at what price. Then there's the consumer who goes to the hypermarket to buy a tin of sweet corn for the salad: sorry but this whole process, including herbicides and pesticides, with multinational patents and farmers forced to buy only those products (of which added security it is discussed), what the hell we gain?

Friday, July 30, 2010

Why Does My Rabbit Run Around The Cage

Italy expels a Nigerian sentenced to death

Aiworo Faith, 23 year old Nigerian, has fled her country to avoid a death sentence. He killed his boss that he wanted to rape her. Arriving in Bologna, has suffered another attempted rape. The police, called by neighbors, found that Faith had no residence permit and brought it into a center of identification and deportation. On June 20, was put on a plane to Lagos, Nigeria.

Faith had applied for asylum, but the procedure was more rapid expulsion other bureaucratic matters. The Italian state, writes El Pais, has ignored its own constitution and international conventions, Faith denying the most basic of human rights: life.

Hp Oovoo Mic Not Work

"Shut the Po valley, we are Roma" capital from posters plastered anti

The streets of Rome were papered with posters anti-leaguers. On many walls in the capital stands at this time the words "Shut the Po valley, we are Rome." The initiative was taken by the people of Rome, an association of right-wing extremist who wanted to argue with the Northern League: molti esponenti della Lega Nord infatti hanno criticato la decisione del Tar del Lazio, che ha bocciato l’aumento dei pedaggi su autostrade e sul Grande Raccordo Anulare.

Il manifesto prosegue evocando il passato di Roma: “3.000 anni di storia. Senato e popolo. Merito e qualità. Repubblica e democrazia. Radici civiltà e futuro d’Italia”. A fare da contorno al tutto, l’immagine di una lupa con le zampe poggiate su una fascia tricolore.

La miccia che ha fatto esplodere la reazione del Popolo di Roma sono state le dichiarazioni dei senatori leghisti Piergiorgio Stiffoni e Paolo Franco: “Come al solito Roma ladrona spera di salvare i propri ingiusti privilegi. Siamo certi che la sospensione del Tar non verrà confermata e, come tutti i cittadini di questo Paese, anche a Roma si dovrà pagare per usufruire della viabilità extraurbana di grande collegamento”.

Shark Caught In Uclulet

Disability League, Bibione from a bad story

E’ accaduto a Bibione, nel “civilissimo” Veneto. Un albergatore ha chiesto ai genitori di una bimba di quattro anni, affetta da una sindrome congenita, di pranzare in orari diversi dagli altri avventori, per non “imbarazzare” il resto della clientela.

Viene question arises in these cases, who are the real disabilities. At first glance, the answer would indicate that a "zealous" hotel. But then, to think of it, even the guests, at least those "embarrassed" by the presence of the child that is expressed in sounds and not words (that pathetically will be considered "normal-with"), the "normal" people probably do not am. Among other things it would be interesting to know if their little children are less noisy and uncomfortable little concerned.

Irony apart is really a bad story. With so much bitterness must be noted that such incidents are becoming more frequent, and say a lot about what la cultura, la conoscenza e la rappresentazione della disabilità nella nostra “moderna e civile” società. Una società in cui migliaia di persone decidono di aderire a gruppi nati sul social network Facebook dai nomi raccapriccianti: “Gettiamo gli handicappati nei burroni“; “Picchiamo gli handicappati”.

Un tempo si definivano persone ignoranti gli analfabeti. Oggi come definire queste persone? Bastano gli epiteti “ignoranti” e “incivili”? No, perché non rendono bene l’idea dell’infimo statutus in cui essi si trovano. Ma questa è solo la punta dell’iceberg. Perché gli episodi di violenza e discriminazione cui sono sottoposti ancora oggi i disabili sono il segno di una deriva culturale, ormai imperante, dove regna sovrana la paura e il rifiuto dell’altro e della sua diversità, e dove il rispetto della dignità delle persone, in quanto esseri umani, ha perso ogni valore.

E contro questo malcostume nulla può, nemmeno la legge. In Italia ne abbiamo una dal nome altisonante “Misure per la tutela giudiziaria delle persone con disabilità vittime di discriminazioni”, ma del tutto inefficace, a quanto pare, in quanto non trova applicazione.
E che dire delle indicazioni dell’Unione Europea? I principi della parità di trattamento e della non discriminazione sono da sempre al centro del modello sociale europeo e rappresentano uno dei capisaldi dei diritti e dei valori fondamentali dell’individuo. “Come cittadini a pieno titolo, le persone con disabilità hanno gli stessi diritti di qualsiasi altro cittadino e, in particolare, il diritto alla dignità, alla parità di trattamento, a una vita autonoma e alla piena partecipazione alla vita sociale”. (Piano d’azione dell’UE a favore delle persone disabili 2007). Ma che belle parole!

Parole che restano sulla carta, perchè, nonostante le enunciazioni di principio, i bambini disabili devono comunque nascondersi alla vista dei “normali” benpensanti, che vogliono godersi il meritato relax senza “imbarazzi”. I genitori della bimba hanno lasciato running the hotel, of course, after the "great" manager Bibione also did pay them € 500 penalty for early departure. I must say, it must be just as "normal" to give birth to such brilliant ideas.