SuperQuark Last night I saw and by the end of the transmission, while the section that has books, a nice message in favor of GMOs. Let's say a little 'too much in favor. The book that should remove doubts about the fact that GMOs are not bad as people think it's written by Dario Bressanini, OGM, between legend and reality (Zanichelli ed.). Bressanini already railed against spending at 0 Km from his blog in food sciences de l'Espresso.
The thing that I did not like the present was not in itself an argument in favor of GMOs, but the fact want to pass a positive message and scrambling the cards incorrectly. Let me explain: we start from the concept that genetically modified organisms exist and are often used in agriculture to genetically improve the products. So far, this is only to improve a myriad of options exist: at the bottom of the apples we eat today are not the apples of 200 years ago.
GMOs of which we are speaking, they are under patent seeds that will change using multi-gene resistant to certain principles, antibiotics, pesticides, etc., etc.. In some cases we also provide a nutritional improvements, but is not that the goal of the multinationals.
We want to talk on TV of GMOs? Well, let's do it, but correctly. Explaining that an account are genetically modified organisms tout-court statement and balance are the semi-modified property of the multinationals who want to force, and to emphasize strength, introduced in Italy. These seeds are not modified to become resistant to the weather, not to be improved from a nutritional standpoint, not to be the absolute best, no, but to be resistant to a herbicide produced by the same multinational. So, who explains to me why I should eat modified maize, GMO, the seed of which is owned by a corporation, which also needs to be cultivated to be dealt with by force quell'erbicida produced by the same corporation? Sorry, but the advantage for me, the consumer, where is it? I
the benefits, if anything, there are, I see them or for multinationals that do business with a consumer product to me quite useless to farmers or maybe, just maybe, you could get rid of weeds, fungi and insects but you are not yet well understood at what price. Then there's the consumer who goes to the hypermarket to buy a tin of sweet corn for the salad: sorry but this whole process, including herbicides and pesticides, with multinational patents and farmers forced to buy only those products (of which added security it is discussed), what the hell we gain?
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